LenFlack.com » WordPress and Selective Twitter Status for Facebook

I found an excellent blog post that was identical to my situation with regard to using Selective Twitter application for selectively choosing which tweets are sent to Facebook. As I posted earlier, I had issues with not being able to send blog post notifications to Facebook after making the change. I tried a number of new plugins and nothing seemed to work quite right.
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Finding a good plugin solution for posting to Facebook

This is a short post to see if the new WordPress plugin – WordBook – is working fine. I had some issues with the version on PHP running on my blog. Now I am running version 5 and the plugin seems to work fine. I am not sure if I will experience other WordPress plugin issues that are PHP 4 dependent.

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Selective Twitter – better use of posting Tweets to Facebook

I have been using my favorite Twitter client Tweetie on both my Mac and iPhone. I really enjoy using this client even though there are many good choices for both the iPhone and the Mac (and my Windows PC). Tweetie is just simple to use, clean interface, and doesn’t get in the way of the experience.
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15 Apps Rendered Obsolete By The New iPhone 3GS : iSmashPhone

After installing the GM of iPhone 3.0 OS on my iPhone, I was able to remove a number of applications that I no longer need due to Apple providing the functionality natively in the new OS. iSmashPhone blog identifies some of the now “obsolete” iPhone applications:

Chances are youve already heard about the iPhone 3G S and some of its cool new features and same goes for the iPhone OS 3.0 and its cool new features.

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John Piper – Why and How I Am Tweeting : Desiring God Christian Resource Library

John Piper writes about why he is now using Twitter:

Now what about Twitter? I find Twitter to be a kind of taunt: “Okay, truth-lover, see what you can do with 140 characters! You say your mission is to spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things! Well, this is one of those ‘all things.’

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John Piper on the power of the Word of God

I am reading John Piper’s book When I Don’t Desire God. In a transparent fashion, he admits to 50+ years of fighting the distractions that lure each one of us away from spending our appointed times reading the Word of God:

A thousand interesting things compete for our attention to the Word of God.

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More on Not Using Twitter During Worship Services: Desiring God

John Piper follows up on Josh Harris’ blog post about using Twitter during a worship service:

Josh Harris has done us a good service. He explains why many of us think it’s a bad idea to “tweet” while participating in corporate worship. That is, we think you should use Twitter before and after corporate worship to say what you take in and take out.

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Overcoming Fear: C.J. Mahaney’s View from the Cheap Seats & Other Stuff

From C.J. Mahaney’s blog:

I struggled greatly with fear and unbelief in preaching. God has used so many means to deal with this sin as it relates to preaching. One story that was particularly helpful was a story of how Corrie ten Boom’s father helped her trust God in fearful situations (as told in Overcoming Fear, Worry and Anxiety by Elyse Fitzpatrick).

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Kindle Changing How People Read, Publish Books – wcco.com

WCCO.com article on how the Kindle opens up publishing opportunities for authors:

The Kindle has also opened up a new world for authors.

Former Pioneer Press reporter Judy Borger struggled to find a publisher for her mystery novel “Where’s Billie,” but then a friend suggested putting it on Kindle.

“It took about a minute and a half to upload the entire book, cost me nothing,” said Borger.

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