Church Selfie

image of funny selfieThe problem:

This past Thursday evening, our small group was meeting together at a friend’s home. Our custom is to have a short time of snacks while catching up with each other. Someone began commenting about our church directory and posed the question of why it has been so long since it was published and why our church hasn’t arranged for a new one to be produced. → Read the rest

Repost: Happy iCal Day!

What is iCal Day you ask?

iCal icon

The icon for the Mac application iCal is a depiction of a little desk calendar, set to July 17th, which happens to be the date when iCal was first introduced to the world at Macworld Expo in New York City in 2002, by Steve Jobs.

When iCal is launched, its icon in the Dock automatically changes to display the current date.

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