The End of the Season

image of a baseballAs one of our coaches for Hunter’s baseball team said on Saturday, the end of the season is ‘bittersweet’! It is a long season with games and practice consuming most evenings and an occasional Saturday. It was also a wonderful season with a team of boys that played hard, did their best, and were a lot of fun to work with.

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Olympia Report Deluxe – A retro work of beauty!

image of an Olympia brand typewriter

I love this article. I started apprenticing for my dad repairing typewriters at his store, New Ulm Office Machines, at the age of twelve. I cleaned and repaired a bunch of different typewriters both new and old. We serviced Smith Corona, Olympia, Olivetti, Remington, Underwood, and probably a number of others that I can’t remember. We were an authorized Olympia typewriter reseller and sold the Report Deluxe, which my dad gave me as a high school graduation gift. → Read the rest

Repost: Happy iCal Day!

What is iCal Day you ask?

iCal icon

The icon for the Mac application iCal is a depiction of a little desk calendar, set to July 17th, which happens to be the date when iCal was first introduced to the world at Macworld Expo in New York City in 2002, by Steve Jobs.

When iCal is launched, its icon in the Dock automatically changes to display the current date.

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Repost: Brides bouquet brings down plane

The best laid plans…

The bride and groom had hired a small plane to fly past and throw the bouquet to a line of women guests, Corriere della Sera reported.

However, the flowers were sucked into the planes engine causing it to catch fire and explode.

via BBC NEWS | Europe | Brides bouquet brings down plane.

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Review: Hacker Backpack Notebook Computer Bag by Timbuk2

I like computer bags! No, I mean really like computer bags. My problem is that I never seem to find the right bag for my needs. Once upon a time, I had a Timbuk2 bag, Commute, for my Mac Powerbook 12″. I really liked that bag and it met all of my needs.

Fast forward to 2009.

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A Wonderful Get-away to a Wonderful Place

Lanesboro photoEarlier this week, Carrie and I were able to get away for a few days to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We chose an interesting Bed and Breakfast in an equally interesting small town in southeastern Minnesota. The B & B is the Historic Scanlon House and the town is Lanesboro. We stayed in a beautiful and spacious suite known as the Steeple Suite complete with whirlpool tub, full bathroom, queen size bed, multiple sitting chairs, a comfortable love seat sofa, and a modest TV with VCR and DVD player.

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