New Apple Mac vs PC Christmas ads

I love watching these ads. The animated ones remind me of the Ranklin and Bass TV Christmas shows I watched as a kid and still watch with my kids each Christmas time. These posts are from YouTube and you can find the Get a MacĀ ads on Apple’s site here

I Can Do Anything

Trimming the Tree

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Milestones – The coming of age in the life of a man

Well here it is. The day my oldest son reaches official adulthood. Oh, we have sort of been there before – like when he reached the age of 18 or when my second son reached the 18 year mile marker. But this is different. Zack is now recognized by his community and government as a full fledged adult on this day at approximately 12:15 p.m. → Read the rest

Sweet Sixteen

image of birthday cakeMy daughter turned 16 years old today. Amazing – where have the years gone. It seems like almost yesterday that we were racing down County Road 42 from our home to the hospital pacing through my wife’s contractions. Then just a short time later, our one and only daughter arrived into our lives. Twice, we had experienced the birth of a son, and three times later we would again share that similar experience (though each one was unique and special) but this was something totally different.
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What happened to optimism?

Cal Thomas writes about optimism in spite of the economic news surrounding us…

Where is that optimism today in the midst of the sharp economic downturn? One doesn’t hear much of it from politicians and especially not from the media, which trades exclusively in gloom and doom. President Bush has said he believes things will get better.

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Review: Logitech ClearChat Wireless USB Headphones

I recently purchased the Logitech ClearChat Wireless USB Headset to use mainly with my MacBook Pro while traveling for business. I enjoy using Skype with video to chat with my family back home. I was especially excited to find a wireless headset of good quality and I purchased this item to give it a try. The output sound was great and the range was more than adequate for my needs (I haven’t tested the range boundaries yet).
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Where the “tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree” magnets go to die

image of yellow ribbon magnetDo you have one? You know, the ribbon shaped magnets that you are supposed to put on your car, van, SUV, tank. I don’t have one (I hope that doesn’t make me unpatriotic or any less supportive of our fine folks serving in uniforms). I guess I would rather support our troops with prayers, letters, or other ways.
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iPhone update 2.2 draining battery quickly

I have noticed a significant increase in battery drain on my iPhone since updating it to 2.2. In fact with at least 75% of my battery life left, my iPhone drained to completely empty when left in sleep mode for 2 hours last night. In seaching the web for more information, I found this article on
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Learning a lot from kindergarten

I have the great privilege of teaching every other week in the kindergarten class at our church. I started out somewhat apprehensive of the responsibility and found myself stressed every other Saturday because I just wasn’t ready mentally for the task. What really bothered me was that this seemed ridiculous to me that someone like me who taught for nine years (7 of those with elementary students) would struggle with teaching kindergartners a Sunday school lesson.It
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