Review of the Jawbone JAMBOX Bluetooth Speaker
I recently ordered the Jawbone JAMBOX from Amazon after hearing a number of Podcasters that I listen to frequently rave about its sound quality and simplicity. Jawbone, well-known maker of a number of wireless bluetooth headsets, describes it JAMBOX product as:
It’s simply the smallest, best sounding wireless speaker and speakerphone on the planet.
JAMBOX delivers stunning hi-fi audio in a portable wireless speaker so compact you won’t believe it when you hear it.
A Broken Bike, Tiny Shoes, and a Dude Who Can’t Walk
I’m sitting at Starbucks reading and preparing my lesson for tomorrow’s Kindergarten Sunday School class. I love these kids and I enjoy teaching the lesson every other Sunday. If I am faithful to the preparation, I usually always learn something very important too. This week’s lesson is from Mark 2:1-12 – Jesus heals a paralytic man after his four friends cut a hole in the roof of a house and let him down (presumably with ropes while he lays on his bed – or mat of some kind).
First Look: My Review of the Drobo FS
I have been using a Drobo since version 1 – the one that had only USB 2.0 connections and required that you install it to a computer, either Mac or Windows. I also have a version 2 that connects via Firewire 800, Firewire 400, or USB 2.0. The second version seems to run cooler with the internal fan kicking in much less often.
C- My Grade for Maintaining Old Friendship
Had the opportunity to meet with a wonderful friend and old work acquaintance this morning. I hadn’t seen him for about 8-9 years and this morning it seems like we just picked up where we left off. Afterwards, I realized just how much I have missed in this friendship and not keeping in touch. Then I remembered a number of other friendships that I have let sit by the roadside as I keep making my way through life.
New iPad app for Squarespace
Like many other iPad owners with a Squarespace hosted blog, I have been anxiously waiting for the iPad app for Squarespace. The iPhone app is very nice but reasonable mostly for checking and approving comments, etc. Now with the iPad app, I can very realistically post with some regularity to Quawkle using my iPad. Thanks for a free Christmas present, Squarespace!
The Unboxing of Carrie’s MacBook Air
We recently bought a MacBook Air for Carrie. She loves it and I want it!
Go West Old Man, Go West
I am hoping to attend a developer’s conference this November for iOS platforms in Los Angeles. On of the funding sources I was counting on has denied my request. It is a disappointing turn of events and now I am not sure if I will still go or not. It is not an overly expensive conference and meals are included in the price, but I would also need to pay for airfare and hotel at 170 per night.
Henge Dock – The Jury is Still Out
My computers these days are all Macs. That is a somewhat misleading statement because currently my work is Windows-based. Using a Mac doesn’t limit me to what operating system I can use. Don’t get me wrong – I love and prefer Mac OSX. I admit, though, that Microsoft Windows 7 has taken a “Titanic” operating system and righted the ship.