Book Review: Peace Like a River by Leif Enger

A Steady but Riveting Story by a Top Shelf Author

I ordered Leif Enger’s Peace Like a River from Amazon’s Marketplace after reading a brief review by John Piper in his blog. I wasn’t sure how I would enjoy the story which seems to follow a rather methodically pace. What keeps the reader attached is the quality of the author’s writing.

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Repost from The Simple Dollar: Using a Gratitude Journal as a Personal Motivator to Save Money and Enjoy Life

Some good thoughts from The Simple Dollar blog:

A few weeks ago, a nice reader named Nicole introduced me to the concept of a gratitude journal:

Have you ever written about a gratitude journal? It’s something I’ve started doing and it’s really helped me figure out what is important in my life. It’s easy. Each day you just write down the five things you’re thankful for.

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An Example to Show Why You Should Not Check Email Continually : What’s Best Next

Good thoughts from Matt Perman’s blog, What’s Best Next

You wouldn’t take the trash out every time you throw something away. Likewise, don’t check your email every time something new comes in. Best of all, shut it down between those times if possible, or at least minimize the window and turn off the bell.

via An Example to Show Why You Should Not Check Email Continually : What’s Best Next.

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Book Review: iPhone Fully Loaded by Andy Ihnatko

Not your ordinary iPhone “How to” iPhone book

 I read the iPhone: The Missing Manual: Covers the iPhone 3G by David Pogue and it served as a “user guide” to most things iPhone. I recently bought Andy Ihnatko’s 2nd Edition of iPhone Fully Loaded expecting it to be a tool to fill in some missing holes but mostly a repeat of the information in Pogue’s book.

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Andy Ihnatko puts iMovie ’09 stabilization to the test

Andy Ihnatko, technology free lance writer, posted this YouTube video demonstrating the new stabilization features of iMovie ’09, part of  iLife ’09. He used a Flip Video MinoHD Camcorder to shoot the video. Amazing stuff!

I had very similar results with a video I shot from my Canon SD1000 digicam.
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Reading the day’s newspaper on your home computer circa 1981

“Imagine, if you will, sitting down to your morning coffee, turning on your home computer to see the day’s newspaper. Well, it’s not as far-fetched as it may seem.”

Thanks to TechCrunch for the link to this video:

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The Age of Distraction

I am not even sure if it is a real issue or not but we seem to be bombarded more every day with distractions from media, internet, print, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. I am checking Facebook, while Twittering, on my way to sit down and write a post to my blog. All of this while waiting on for a process to complete on a project I am doing for work.

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Lilfehacker: Gmail Adds New Move To and Labels Drop-Downs, Autocomplete

From the lifehacker blog:

Today Gmail will begin rolling out a new feature to improve your email labeling workflow and mitigate folder-vs.-label confusion with two new drop-down menus: Move to and Labels. Even better: Keyboard shortcuts and auto complete are baked in.

Gmail: Gmail Adds New Move To and Labels Drop-Downs, Autocomplete.

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