About a month ago, I was watching some coffee related videos on YouTube (coffee is one of my hobbies and passions) when I came across the following video, https://youtu.be/hei5ZWfpMZY, from Alternative Brew about the Waco Minipresso GR. While intrigued and watching the video, it dawned on me that my son and daughter-in-law, Zack and Heidi, had given me a portable espresso maker as a gift for Christmas several years ago that I had really never opened or explored. → Read the rest
Helpful Tips for Migrating Website Hosting (including WordPress content)

Here are some thought regarding a recent hosting migration from ASO to Host Gator:
Hosting Service:
- look for special deals
- sign up for multi-year deals if they are a lower price
- look for hosting that includes SSL at least for your main domain and good prices if you add Multi domain SSL
- look for good reputation for support service
- my recommendation and the hosting service I choose was HostGator (full disclosure, the link is a referral link for me).
Synology, PHP, and the mysql Extension
This week I installed a few new items on my Synology NAS server so that I could better familiarize myself with PHP and MySQL. The items I installed were:
- phpMyAdmin
- MariaDB (Synology no longer packages MySQL with DSM)
- WebStation
I am running DSM 6.1.6 and PHP 5 and 7 were already installed and running on my server. → Read the rest
Writing in 2018
All of my blog sites have been relatively dormant for a couple of years. I find it pretty tough to put my thoughts into words online and though I have invested a lot of time and some resources into creating the following blogging websites:
- This site
- Heart of Papa – the place I record thoughts about being a dad
- Show Me Your Glory – where I record my spiritual journey
- BZTech Blog – the blog site related to my business
I guess I enjoyed the challenge of setting up these sites but found it difficult to be consistent in providing content. → Read the rest
Using the iPad Pro
When I bought my iPad Pro (the big one) last fall, I really wasn't sure if it would fit nicely into my needs for an iOS device. I gave my iPad Air to my wife who really needed an upgrade from her iPad 2 which she inherited long ago when I purchased the iPad 3. I also gave my iPad mini 2 to my son and daughter-in-law which left me iPad-less. → Read the rest
Ulysses – My New Editor of Choice
A couple of weeks ago, I saw a tweet on my Twitter feed that was a retweet from the Ulysses account noting that creators of Ulysses were releasing a new universal version of Ulysses for iOS. I was mildly interested so I followed the link and saw a list of notable users who recommended Ulysses include Andy Ihnatko. → Read the rest
A New Solution to Storing Coffee Beans
Once in awhile, I like to write about products that capture my interest or are a unique answer to a imple problem. This past Labor Day, my family and I spent an afernoon in a quaint area near our home. The city is Stillwater on the north side of the Twin Cities metro area. The town was built on the St. → Read the rest
Two Tales of Product Customer Service
Customer service can differ a great deal from store to store and from company to company. We recently experienced this between two companies that manufacture high-end products. One is Bendtec, makers of the blender with the power motor. They are the company famous for the slogan and campaign, “Will it blend”.
We purchased a Blendtec blender last fall after having purchased and owned a Vita-mix blender. → Read the rest
Extreme Camping in Germany
You had better hope you don’t roll out of bed!
Extreme Camping in Germany pic.twitter.com/yP0eadFizV
— Most Extreme Pics (@mostextremepics) August 29, 2014
Reading the Bio Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
I started reading the bio Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption by Laura Hillenbrand. It is the inspiring biography of world class miler and WWII hero, Louis Zamperini.
I am only on chapter three but the story is very riveting. I highly recommend this book! → Read the rest