Celebrating Milestones in the Lives of Our Children

image of graduation capMichigan to help with food purchase and preparation. Without her time and effort, we would have struggled to get everything ready. She is a gem of a person and her gift with handling food service on a larger scale was invaluable. Plus, we had the added benefit of enjoying her company (along with her new Shorky puppy – cute as can be)!

My daughter assisted me in putting together a slideshow commemorating her life from a baby until now. It was actually quite fun to assemble and render a very nice slideshow. I left photo and music selection up to her and used iPhoto’s slideshow creation tool and exporting tool to make it happen. Aside from my gaffes which forced me to re-render several times including the last render just hours before the open house, the presentation was very nice. My first review of it brought me to near tears, thinking about my only girl growing up so fast before my eyes.

The number of guests who came to honor my daughter was astounding. We knew ahead of time that there were a number of families who could not make it because of other commitments. Yet, many other did come and also stayed for awhile to talk, eat, and have fun. I know it meant a great deal to my daughter and it did to my wife and I.

There were a lot of gifts shared too. Most were cards and money, which my daughter is saving for when she goes to school. She also received some thoughtful gifts. My wife and I bought her an Apple Macbook and her brothers bought her a Speck hard cover to protect her computer. It is pink of course, she would have it no other way. Her grandparent bought her a wireless printer.

This is our third open house and each time I am amazed at the blessing and thoughtfulness of people who take time out of their day to bless us with their company. Friendships are a true blessing and perhaps the most valuable assest human beings have on earth.

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