Wow! The years have flown by and now you, my oldest son, have reached another milestone. One of many future milestones you will achieve, ‘Lord willing’ and another milestone I am also passing, ‘Lord merciful and gracious’. I likely will pass this place again if the Lord is willing and my younger children are able, but somehow the first time quickens my senses in a unique fashion!
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Milestones – The coming of age in the life of a man
Well here it is. The day my oldest son reaches official adulthood. Oh, we have sort of been there before – like when he reached the age of 18 or when my second son reached the 18 year mile marker. But this is different. Zack is now recognized by his community and government as a full fledged adult on this day at approximately 12:15 p.m. → Read the rest
New Blogger Appearing Soon!
Breaking news! I just sign another writer for Quawkle. It involved a six figure contract (the first 5 digits are leading 0’s). I am looking forward to an occasional post by him beginning very soon. I will keep you in suspense and let him introduce himself to you. Welcome, mystery writer!
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