Lately, I am working on a project and I spend a couple of evenings per week working outside of my main office (i.e. read: a room in my home with a desk, computers, storage, and an occasional mess…okay a frequent mess. I really love working in my own office because everything that I need is there and when I am productive, I can really fly in that space.
Squarespace and Video Helps and Tutorials
This is another post in a short series regarding my discovery using Squarespace as a writing platform. I currently use WordPress
as my blog’s platform hosted at GoDaddy. I am on a simple quest to simplify my blog platform and focus my efforts on creating
First a rant – sort of: As a programmer and software designer, I am technical by training and career and I admit that I enjoy
opening the hood and seeing how the engine runs.
My Low-down on Markdown
If you write for any online presence – particularly blogs – and you are not a dedicated HTML junkie but still long to have more formatting control over your posts, Markdown written by John Gruber of Daring Fireball fame, may be the tool for you. Markdown is a recognized framework of web formatting tags that gives you control over things such as:
- Header size
- Type size
- Bold, italics, and underlining
- Quote blocks
- Ordered and unordered lists
- etc.
When “Mailing It In” is Not a Bad Thing
Squarespace offers it site owners another great option for posting content into their websites – Email posting. Through the tools in Squarespace, you can setup a special email address that allows you to write a post in your email and then send it. From there it will be posted as a journal entry (read:blog post). You can title your post using the Subject field and you can attach an image for it to be included in the post.
iPhone markdown sample
If I want to create a blockquote:
I simple use the angle bracket
If I want to create a list:
* Item 1
* Item 2
And then I can type a regular paragraph.
Everything Old is New Again… is currently in a transition between the current site and a makeover involving either a switch to WordPress using the Genesis or Thesis, or a complete move to Squarespace.
Rather than continue with some of the many other observations I have made so far with Squarespace, I will save some of those thoughts for another post or two.
Paul Tripp on Grace
A very good word on grace from Paul Tripp via the Desiring God blog:
So grace is a story and grace is a gift. It is God’s character and it is your only hope. Grace is a transforming tool and a state of relationship. Grace is a beautiful theology and a wonderful invitation. Grace is a life-long experience and a life-changing calling.
My First Look at the Incase Slider for iPhone 4
Incase Slider for iPhone 4 Black
After leaving my iPhone 4 “naked” for 9 days, my Incase Slider (black) for the iPhone 4 arrived via UPS yesterday. I have never used an Incase Slider before although I did buy a metallic red one for my wife’s iPhone 3GS. I like the utility of a case that allows the bottom portion to easily pull off so accessories like the iPhone dock and many speaker systems can be used with the iPhone docked in them.
A Corn Maze Tribute to the Twins and My Boys had a Part!
Fun story in the Minneapolis StarTribune about a man from our church who built a corn maze with a Minnesota Twins theme. The story is especially cool for our family because three of our sons worked very hard on the project for Bert. Bert connected with Tucker while Tucker was working the nursery. Bert said he liked how hard a worker Tucker seemed to be and asked him if he was interested in working on a job for him and if he could find some other helpers. → Read the rest