Oliver North: The Reason for the Season

From Oliver North’s blog:

Washington, D.C. —  It’s the “the holiday season” — the politically correct euphemism for this time of year when we’re supposed to demonstrate the “spirit of the season” by going shopping. We do this so that we can help retailers hit their year-end sales targets. Shopping, we are told, stimulates the economy and what’s good for the economy is good for all of us.

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Marley’s Message to Scrooge – R.C. Sproul

This excerpt is from R.C. Sproul’s blog. It is an excellent and well thought analysis of some issues surrounding the celebration of Christmas.

Every generation has its abundance of Scrooges. The church is full of them. We hear endless complaints of commercialism. We are constantly told to put Christ back into Christmas. We hear that the tradition of Santa Claus is a sacrilege.

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