Review: Logitech Pure-Fi Anywhere 2 Compact Speakers for iPod and iPhone

I have tried a number of portable speakers for my use with my 3G iPhone. When traveling for work, I like to be able to listen to music in my hotel room either from my iPhone directly or via applications like Simplify Media, Pandora, LastFM, or even IceCast stations. I own several iPod portable speaker like the Altec Lansing inMotion series, but in every case, I have to deal with the iPhone incompatibility message and the typical GSM buzzing noise that occurs when the phone radio is active.
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Dave Ramsey – Looking at our finances from a decidedly different perspective

Author and speaker, Dave Ramsey, offers sound financial advice through the several books he has authored along with his website and a 12 week seminar offered at many locations around the country called Financial Peace University. Having experienced “having it all, losing it all, and getting it back” he offers sound advice regarding personal financial discipline and management that allows families and individuals to achieve financial independence the old fashioned way.
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Cal Thomas opinion article in World Magazine online – A Different Path

World Magazine online has a post of an article written by Cal Thomas that offers a thought regarding Christians and politics in light of the recent elections:

A different path

OPINION: After 30 years of trying to transform culture through politics, conservative evangelicals would be wise to try a different, God-glorifying direction | Cal Thomas

Read the rest of the article here.

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Who is the bigger wimp when sick?

image of medicine and thermometerI am up and awake this morning at 3:00 a.m. because of this awful headcold. My nose and face is raw from using these cheap hotel Kleenexes that are made of some by-product of wood and sandpaper. I have the typical sinus headache and I can feel the deep chest cough coming around the corner. So after finishing a wonderful book by Pastor John Piper, This Momentary Marriage, I picked up my MacBook Pro and found this article online at the WCCO website:

Good Question: Who’s A Bigger Wimp When Sick?

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The loud talkers aways find me

What do these things have in common?
  • A soft seat
  • A steaming cup of hot coffee
  • A good book and a great magazine
  • Free wifi and my Dell Mini 9

All these things were in place for me to enjoy a quiet and fine evening at the Starbucks on Century. I have been looking forward to this all day and now finally the time has arrived.

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image of capitol building in Bismarck ND

Great sites in out of the way places

I love the Fall. The cooler weather and the beautiful colors make me want to spend as much time outside as I possibly can. Bismarck is a great place to be this time of the year. Taking a walk around the Capitol mall shortly before sunset, I snapped this picture with my iPhone of the Capitol building with the sun reflecting off the west side.
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Who is to blame?

I read this linked article by Joel Belz in the October 18, 2008 issue of World Magazine while eating supper by myself at a restaurant in Alexandria. Belz offers some food for thought about just exactly who is responsible for our current financial mess:

“Remember the old saw about being careful when you point a finger at someone else—because you’ve still got at least three fingers pointing back at yourself?

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Happy with WordPress

I am impressed with WordPress 2.6 blogging software. The number of great plugins and tools available make it obvious why the platform is so popular amount bloggers. I am looking forward to the release of version 2.7 though I don’t know much about it yet. I like the editor Mars Edit and the Firefox extension ScribeFire.
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