Learning a lot from kindergarten

I have the great privilege of teaching every other week in the kindergarten class at our church. I started out somewhat apprehensive of the responsibility and found myself stressed every other Saturday because I just wasn’t ready mentally for the task. What really bothered me was that this seemed ridiculous to me that someone like me who taught for nine years (7 of those with elementary students) would struggle with teaching kindergartners a Sunday school lesson.It finally dawned on me that I am the one who is in the position of learning here. Yes, I know, this should have been very elementary to me (pardon the pun) but I don’t think I was getting it at first. If God doesn’t first reach me with the message of each lesson, how can I expect to present it to eager 4 – 6 year olds! God has a word first of all for me the adult. He wants to reach my heart with His message so I can effectively reach the heart of my son, Carter, as well as each other little fella’ and gal in our group.

“Obvious”, you say, but not so obvious to the thick skulled among us. No one else is here so that must mean me. image of cluelessness sign

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