Who is the bigger wimp when sick?

image of medicine and thermometerI am up and awake this morning at 3:00 a.m. because of this awful headcold. My nose and face is raw from using these cheap hotel Kleenexes that are made of some by-product of wood and sandpaper. I have the typical sinus headache and I can feel the deep chest cough coming around the corner. So after finishing a wonderful book by Pastor John Piper, This Momentary Marriage, I picked up my MacBook Pro and found this article online at the WCCO website:

Good Question: Who’s A Bigger Wimp When Sick?

Each year, the government estimates there are about 62 million cases of the common cold in the United States. But who handles it right? Are men or women bigger babies when it comes to getting sick?

“Absolutely men,” said one woman shopping at the Mall of America.

Read the rest of the article here.

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